Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 20: GAETI - Last Day Presentations of Portfolios

Today we did our course portfolio presentation..  Upon completion of the course and projects we were awarded 10 CEUs and sent on our way.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 19: GAETI - Border Crossing Art Project Presentation.

Today we presented our Border Crossing Art Projects.  It was interesting to hear what everyone's thought processes on how there art could be used in the classroom.

We used the rest of the day to get our final touches done on our online portfolio.

Image result for weebly images

Day 19: GAETI - Border Crossing Art Project Presentation.

Today we presented our Border Crossing Art Projects.  It was interesting to hear what everyone's thought processes on how there art could be used in the classroom.

We used the rest of the day to get our final touches done on our online portfolio.

Image result for canvas instructure

Image result for bloggerImage result for MS Office imagesImage result for camtasia

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 18: GAETI - Piktochart, Infographics, and Audio Files...

Today we were learning Piktochart to create infographics. Its an interesting system to create poster session type presentations.

In the afternoon session we covered the creation of online quizzes and the various systems that we can use to create the including; Kahoots and Socrative.  These can be used to track participation and increase class participation.  Socrative has a huge quiz database that can be copied and imported into your system.  This can be found at the Socrative Shared Quiz List.

Following the online learning classes we began working in earnest on our portfolios on Weebly.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 17: GAETI - Using Prezi, Using iPads in the Classroom, Newsletter Design, Blogging and Lesson Plans.

 Morning Session: In the morning session we were give a run through of Prezi presentation software by the library staff.  PREZI is free in its basic format with an EDU email address. Following the PREZI discussion we had a lively discussion of the merits and uses of iPad and similar technology in the classroom.

Afternoon Session: We were allowed time to finish our Border Crossing art projects as well as time to complete the lesson plans and other assigned projects. We were asked to describe our reasoning for decisions we made in our art projects.

The Crab
Crabs have long been representative of life and have been a part of human history as long as there have been     writings. The crab is one of the oldest species on earth. The horseshoe crab dates back over 200 million years and is literally a living fossil. Most people are aware of the zodiac sign of Cancer, named for the constellation which resembles the outline of a crab.

Both the constellation Cancer and the astrological sign Cancer are named after the crab, and depicted as a crab. William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse drew the Crab Nebula in 1848 and noticed its similarity to the animal; the Crab pulsar lies at the centre of the nebula. The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature, especially the sea, and often depicted crabs in their art. In Greek mythology, Karkinos was a crab that came to the aid of the Lernaean Hydra as it battled Heracles. One of Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories, The Crab that Played with the Sea, tells the story of a gigantic crab who made the waters of the sea go up and down, like the tides.
I chose the crab because of the longevity of the creature and its ties to most of the sciences.

Following the Art segment we worked in a group project on News Letter layout and creation.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 16: GAETI - WebQuest, Setting up a new course in Canvas, and more FlatStanley

Today we worked on WebQuest setting up a Web Inquiry lesson for students to follow through to gain an understanding of the typical safety measures we should follow in the Laborotory and the field.

We followed up our WebQuest Group Projects with a bit more work setting up a new canvas classroom:


From here we discovered that it was PayDay! YAY! and took a lunch.

Following Lunch, we returned to the art class to complete our Border Crossings art Project.

After art we were back to the computer class to work on various projects, including the Flat Stanley project, as well as our power points and lesson plans.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 15: GAETI - Dr Lee's Storytelling, More Flat Stanley, Border Crossing Art and Such

Morning Session:
Today we started off with Takk and the flat stanley projects.
TAKK was a type of social media system like a cross between Pintrest and FaceBook, For my students it might not be approved by the parents because it requires email address.

Tackk makes it easy to create pages for everything in your life. Customize your Takk to make it unique, and add fun content like Instagram pics, Vines and more.
Takk about your weekend, a birthday party invite, travel plans or whatever you want.

Afternoon Session:
We returned from lunch to work on the Border Crossing Art Projects where we got the fused glass.  I'll post an image of that when all the glue dries.  

We followed the art program with another session by Dr. Lee on Creating and Online Presentation.
We used the PPT system  to create a Movie, record audio track, export to MP4, upload to and secure as unlisted or private. We the uploaded our results to both Canvas and our Web Pages.

Today is Friday... Wooo Hooo!