Morning Session:
We began with Dr. Lee, Learning Canvas and Web2.0
Canvas is an interesting learning management system...and free.
We followed the Canvas session with a discussion on copyright law by the Library Staff.
The above picture is of me with a captured 1969 Dalek at the Torchwood Institue, Heathrow,
London, United Kingdom.
Many of the material used by teachers are covered by the Fair Use Act:
The "Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing United States
Entrepreneurship Act of 2007" (FAIR USE Act) was a proposed United States
copyright law that would have amended Title 17 of the U.S. Code, including
portions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to "promote
innovation, to encourage the introduction of new technology, to enhance library
preservation efforts, and to protect the fair use rights of consumers, and for
other purposes. "The bill would prevent courts from holding companies
financially liable for copyright infringement stemming from the use of their
hardware or software, and proposes six permanent circumvention exemptions to
the DMCA.
The bill was introduced March 22, 2013 in the 110th Congress
by Representative Rick Boucher (D-VA). On March 19, 2007, the bill was referred
to the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property.
Boucher emphasized that the bill would not make
circumvention an act of fair use, but would instead redefine which acts qualify
as permissible circumvention, stating that:
“The Digital
Millennium Copyright Act dramatically tilted the copyright balance toward
complete copyright protection at the expense of the Fair Use rights of the
users of copyrighted material. The reintroduced legislation will assure that
consumers who purchase digital media can enjoy a broad range of uses of the
media for their own convenience in a way which does not infringe the copyright
of the work.”
110th Congress H.R. 1201
"Boucher's latest 'digital rights' bill," Stanford
Law Center for Internet and Society.
The afternoon session was the Border Crossing Art Project and then continuing on the Flat Stanley Video Project.
We followed the art project with excel game development and then moved on to Camtasia where we learned a valuable lesson about technology... Sometimes it does not work! We relocated to another lab with computers that would operate Camtasia, and then had another seires of technical difficulties whiile installing the Microphones Headsets. Following this we blogged... See above.