Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 3: GAETI - Atmospherics Sciences and Google Earth, Web Design

Today we started with atmospheric sciences and then worked into Google Earth in a seminar at the library. The following is a map we created in Google Maps. The map I created was for the purpose of planning weekend trips which use only a single tank of fuel (approximately 350 miles).

After lunch we learned about web design including a lorem ipsum text generator to use as a filler in text and web design so as not to distract the viewer with readable text. Unfortunately I am easily distracted so I was tempted to read the odd combinations of word it produced. An example of the random words generated are as follows:

Lorem Ipsum "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..." "There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..." Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sapien dolor, sodales ut cursus nec, elementum varius ipsum. Etiam eu turpis metus. Quisque lobortis mi elit, quis dignissim lacus malesuada vitae. Donec tincidunt diam quis finibus feugiat. Ut tincidunt pulvinar turpis, convallis fringilla ex tincidunt sed. Nullam condimentum enim vitae volutpat consequat. Aliquam iaculis sagittis lorem sed tincidunt. Vivamus vehicula tortor nisl. Sed et condimentum ipsum. Sed a magna orci. Ut aliquet, neque eget consequat commodo, urna nisi condimentum ex, a dapibus magna nulla at tellus. In viverra vitae eros vel ornare. Nullam enim nunc, semper vel tellus nec, fermentum rhoncus nisl. Maecenas ut ultrices metus, eu bibendum metus. Aenean ut tincidunt arcu. Duis porta fermentum elementum. Suspendisse dapibus, libero eget tincidunt tempor, neque nulla pulvinar arcu, in imperdiet elit ex ut tortor. Nullam sed dolor metus.

Following along this line we learned more about web design and layout.

The afternoon session continued on to include "Cookie Mining" which is a great resource for teaching spatial reasoning and basic calculations followed by a political/poetry discussion based upon the Secession Papers for Mississippi from the Civil War.

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